Demo Reel

DEMO REEL Amber Gail Holowaychuk from Amber Holowaychuk on Vimeo.

01) Kozak Mating Dance - 0:03, 0:08, 0:12, 0:20, 0:22, 0:24, 0:28, 0:41
 • All Character and Environment Design
 • Animation (paperless in Digicel Flipbook 6 for Mac)
 • Layout and Paint (Photoshop)
 • Colour (Digicel Flipbook 6 for PC)
 • Compositing (After Effects)
02) Higher Education - 0:05, 0:06, 0:17, 0:19
 • Environment Design
 • Involved in Character Design
 • Animation and Layout (classical)
 • Background Paint (Photoshop)
 • Colour (Photoshop)
 • Compositing (After Effects)
03) Higher Education - 0:13
 • Environment Design
 • Involved in Character Design
 • Animation and Layout (classical)
 • Character Colour (Photoshop)
 • Beard Interaction (Photoshop)
 • Compositing (After Effects)
04) Exercise Action Analysis - 0:33
 • All Character and Environment Design
 • Animation and Layout (classical)
 • Animation and Colour (Photoshop)
 • Compositing (After Effects)
05) Voice - Patrick Stewart from "Jeffrey" - 0:37
 • Animation (Maya)
 • Vocal Breakdown (Magpie Pro)
 • Compositing (After Effects)

Demo reel assembled in Premiere Pro

The music in the demo reel is Korobushko by Bond, used without permission.